Pollock, Business Management in the Local Church

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David Pollock, Business Management in the Local Church, Revised and Updated. Moody Publishers, 1996.

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Referenced in: Church Administration, General Manuals

LifeandLeadership.com Summary

This is a commonly recommended administrative manual. Compared to other general manuals on church administration, its strength is not in the areas of organizational leadership/planning (see Anthony/Estep), and personnel (see Powers and Crumroy/Kukawka), but in special subjects such as legal matters, finances, and facilities. The legal section is insightful, but needs updating. The sections on finances and facilities, however, are among the best for general administrative manuals. This volume is not my top recommendation for administration, but it is a good supplement in its strong areas.

From the Publisher

Even though the local church isn’t in “business” per se, it is still a business – the Lord’s business. This valuable church reference is divided into four sections: law, finance, facilities, and personnel.

About the Author

David Pollock is currently the executive director of the Crisis Pregnancy Center of the San Fernando Valley. Along with a Masters Degree in Business Administration, Mr. Pollock has 30 years experience in sales, marketing, and management, and has served on the Board of Directors of the Christian Management Association. He is the author of several books and articles dealing with nonprofit management subjects including finance, personnel, and fund raising, and has been heard on Larry Burkett’s nationally syndicated radio program, Money Matters. David and his wife, Beverly, live in Winnetka, California, and have two grown children and two grandchildren.

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